CF Rappresentanze Nautiche SRL:
the evolution of the classic representative agencies
About us
CHIOLE is a historical name among the representatives of nautical accessories.
Giuseppe has been working in the nautical sector since 1957 and his son Carlo, after a work experience in a prestigious industry in the electrotechnical sector, joined his father's business since January 2004, thus exploiting the experience acquired and bringing new ideas and energies to the agency.
The CF Team represents the most important manufacturers of nautical accessories, supplies the main distributors, wholesalers and shipyards throughout Europe, supporting them in all technical and commercial aspects.
Giuseppe has been working in the nautical sector since 1957 and his son Carlo, after a work experience in a prestigious industry in the electrotechnical sector, joined his father's business since January 2004, thus exploiting the experience acquired and bringing new ideas and energies to the agency.
The CF Team represents the most important manufacturers of nautical accessories, supplies the main distributors, wholesalers and shipyards throughout Europe, supporting them in all technical and commercial aspects.

Marco Condercuri
Italian boat builders, aftermarket Toscana
Tel +39 334.6749650

Andrea Berto
Sales Liguria, Piemonte, Lombardia
Tel +39 380.7448902

Europe e Italy
Cernierificio Valtoce: www.cernierificiovaltoce.it
E&P Marine: www.epmarine.com
Hoses Technology: www.hosestechnology.it
Mac: www.mac-coltellerie.it/it/home.html
Maestrini: www.maestrini.it
Manifattura del Tigullio: www.manifatturadeltigullio.it
PLAM: www.plam.it
Torggler: www.torggler.com
Star Brite: www.starbrite.com
Unimer: www.unimer-marine.com
TH Marine: thmarinesupplies.com
Compass: www.compassmarine.it
E&P Marine: www.epmarine.com
Hoses Technology: www.hosestechnology.it
Mac: www.mac-coltellerie.it/it/home.html
Maestrini: www.maestrini.it
Manifattura del Tigullio: www.manifatturadeltigullio.it
PLAM: www.plam.it
Torggler: www.torggler.com
Star Brite: www.starbrite.com
Unimer: www.unimer-marine.com
TH Marine: thmarinesupplies.com
Compass: www.compassmarine.it
DHR: www.dhr.nl
Castro: www.ipcastro.com/es
Forma: www.formamarine.com/en/
Meteo Evolution France:
Taroni: www.effetitaroni.it
Viadana: www.viadana.it/it/
Castro: www.ipcastro.com/es
Forma: www.formamarine.com/en/
Meteo Evolution France:
Taroni: www.effetitaroni.it
Viadana: www.viadana.it/it/
Adria Bandiere: www.adriabandiere.com/it/
CAN-SB: cansb.com
Mavimare: www.mavimare.com
RB Elettronica: www.rbelettronica.net
Veco: www.veco.net
VTE: www.volpitecno.com
Marco SpA: www.marco.it/it/
CAN-SB: cansb.com
Mavimare: www.mavimare.com
RB Elettronica: www.rbelettronica.net
Veco: www.veco.net
VTE: www.volpitecno.com
Marco SpA: www.marco.it/it/
For additional information on our services, send us your request and we will reply as soon as possible.